We're Leavin' on a Jet Plane

Hey folks,
Please enjoy following along with our European Getaway as we travel through Prague, Vienna and Budapest.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An Actual Post

No more silly mobile blog posts.  I'll actually write something today.  First, I'll write that I'm frustrated with Flickr because I'm exceeding the upload amount for this month.  So I added as much as I could and will put more pics up in a couple days.
So, I guess I lied.  This isn't quite a real post, but it's coming...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wanna stop walkiiiiiiiiiiiing

Blarg. Feet hurt. Homesick. Miss Niobe.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

In Hungary!

In a little town near Budapest for lunch. Ryan's already yelling at me for iinternetting so I'll post a couple pics and go. Love and miss!

In Hungary!

In a little town near Budapest for lunch. Ryan's already yelling at me for iinternetting so I'll post a couple pics and go. Love and miss!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Off Again...

Missed all if today by oversleeping, but we're off to explore. Probably won't see you until Budapest on the 24th. kisses!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hi! Pics on Flickr! Sorry about thee repeats, can't delete until I get home.


Hi! Pics on Flickr! Sorry about thee repeats, can't delete until I get home.

We're here!

6/18 (i think) An uneventful flight was followed by a nonexistent layover and another easy flight. The Prague airport had less than satisfactory signage and our transfer to the hotel didn't show (or we were in the total wrong place) so we had to get a taxi.
6/19 Aaaaaahhhhhhh... internet..... *happy sigh* Last night was a welcome drink and dinner, met some nice people. Aside from young-adult children or grandkids, we're the youngest people by 15 years. Wandered around a bit yesterday fighting jetlag. Walking tour, lunch and boat cruise and more walking today. Dinner is on the horizon but I don't know if we'll be up to leaving the hotel. We saw a bunch of cute little places down alleyways and tucked into corners, so we'll go to some of those tonight and tomorrow. Free day in the city tomorrow, so we're looking forward to exploring. Going to try to post some photos, but I'm bot going to promise anything.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Again, Mobile Blogging...

New app, hoping it will be easy enough to blog from the road. If not, there's always the internet cafe. Wish me luck!

Again, Mobile Blogging...

New app, hoping it will be easy enough to blog from the road. If not, there's always the internet cafe. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mobile blog?

Getting Ready

Getting close to vacay time!